In 1999, when Mary Anker came to Berwick Academy, a door opened. Across that threshold waited a full career of teaching, coaching, learning, creating, and poetry. In 2021, three former students and Mary collaborated on an unlikely conversation. Mary’s writing has been published in several anthologies including Except for Love and Piscataqua Poems. She recently had an essay published in Angry Women by Kindred Press. She loves performing and has participated in readings from Concord, NH to Cambridge, MA and as far away as Todos Santos in Baja California, Mexico. Along with Kimberly Green, she founded Berwick Academy’s Poet-in-Residence Program in 2011.
Berwick Academy, situated on an 80-acre campus just over one hour north of Boston, serves 520 students, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 and Postgraduates. Berwick students are from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and several countries. Deeply committed to its mission of promoting virtue and useful knowledge, Berwick Academy empowers students to be creative and bold. Berwick strives to graduate alumni who shape their own learning, take risks, ask thoughtful questions, and come to understand and celebrate their authentic selves.